At Gold Coast Private, we take the safety and security of your baby seriously. As part of the security provided to your baby, we require a passport sized photo of the mother and significant other. This will be attached to the baby’s cot card. These are returned to you when your baby goes home. We ask that you supply these photos when you have your appointment with the midwife in week 20.
Your baby will have two identifications bands on after birth. The information on these identification bands is checked with you and your support person and contains:
- Mother’s name e.g. Smith Baby Off (B/O) Mary
- Date of baby’s birth
- Time of birth
- Gender
- Mother and baby’s hospital identifier number
Please notify staff if either of these bands fall off so that a new one can be reapplied. These bands will be checked with the mother’s bands if for some reason the mother and baby have been separated and the baby is returned. Partners/support persons will wear a green arm band whilst the mother is in hospital. If the baby is in the Special Care Nursery a green arm band will be given to both mother and partner.
All hospital staff will wear photo identification, including your doctor whilst on hospital grounds.
Healthscope Identification Policy states that parents should:
- Never leave your baby/child in your room alone. Ask a nurse/family member to supervise your baby/child. This includes when you leave the room to shower.
- Do not hand your child over to anyone that you do not know.
- Request to see staff identification if you do not know the staff member.
- Question why an unfamiliar staff member may be in your room.
- Keep your baby’s bassinette/cot away from the door leading out of your room
Always have your cot lying flat. When walking around the ward, please ensure that your baby is placed in the cot.
- Place your baby on their back to sleep
- Place your baby in the cot when you and your baby are sleeping
- Leave your baby’s head uncovered
- Do not place toys, including soft toys in the cot
- Avoid the use of bumper, doona and pillows
- Keep baby in a smoke free environment
Healthy Eating During Pregnancy
13 43 25 84
Alcohol and Drug Information Service
07 3837 5989
1800 177 833
Australian Childhood Immunisation Register
1800 653 809
Australian Breastfeeding Association Helpline
1800 686 2 686
Beyond Blue The National Depression Initiative
1300 224 636
07 3854 1829
1300 301 300
Poisons Information Centre
13 11 26
It’s All About You
Gold Coast Private Hospital is part of Healthscope. Healthscope is a leading provider of private healthcare services within Australia and beyond, distinguished by the service offered, we provide across our health care divisions.